Be the Change: Sharing Knowledge for Climate Action Everywhere

At Cool Climate Collective, my philosophy has been deeply rooted in the belief that knowledge is power, and sharing it is essential for driving meaningful change. Whether it’s in boardrooms or during everyday interactions, every opportunity to share insights and feedback can contribute to the greater good. This commitment extends even to something as simple as providing feedback to an Airbnb host.

Recently, I suggested an idea related to electric vehicles (EVs) to an Airbnb host. This might seem like

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COP28 Dubai: Balancing Climate Aspirations with Grounded Realities

As Cool Climate Collective steps into the vibrant arena of COP28, we are here not just as observers but as active participants, bringing innovative climate solutions to a global platform. COP28, or the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, is a global summit that brings together world leaders, experts, activists, and businesses to tackle climate change.

This event is extraordinary, a testament to our collective ability to unite amidst diversity, aiming for

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Harnessing Eigenvector Centrality for Climate Impact

At Cool Climate Collective, I always say we are more than just Collective Capital, but our true strength to portfolio companies and the overall climate ecosystem is the combination of Collective Capital, Knowledge and Network.

So I get questions on what the network means (since it sounds fluffy, and everyone claims to be value-add in the VC space). So to better quantify the approach I’ve been applying since our initial start, I’ve been working on an approach to catalyze climate

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Asymmetric Collaboration (AC)

In my journey with Cool Climate Collective, our early syndicated work unveiled a potent strategy within the realm of climate tech investments. This strategy, which I’ve come to term as “Asymmetric Collaboration”, has not only enriched my understanding of the sector but has also fortified our portfolio, bringing to the fore mechanisms that translate theory into tangible results.

However, it’s imperative to understand that merely having this theoretical framework in place won’t magically foster collaborations. They need to

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