Reclaiming Craftsmanship: When “Better” Means More Than Cheap

For the past 50 years, the relentless pursuit of affordability has defined our collective notion of “better.” Cheaper prices became the paramount metric, overshadowing critical variables like quality, style, sustainability, and even health impacts. This myopic view has had stark repercussions, leading to a race to the bottom fueled by mass production, standardization, and planned obsolescence.

But now, a renaissance is stirring – one that recalibrates our understanding of “better” through a more holistic lens. We’re beginning to recognize that

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The Rise of Robot Savants

When we imagine the robotic future, our minds often conjure visions of generalized androids – the metallic jack-of-all-trades adept at any task we throw their way. However, this generalist perception belies the true revolution brewing in the world of robotics and automation. The real disruptive force may not lie in general-purpose robots, but rather in the rise of highly specialized robot “savants” armed with deep, nuanced skills that transcend human mastery.

The allure of General Purpose Robots (GPRs) is undeniable

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The McNuggets Principle

McDonald’s is an empire built on delivering consistent, affordable food on a massive scale. One of their flagship products, the Chicken McNugget, epitomizes this ethos – it’s a seemingly simple concoction that the world has embraced, with their chicken-based product sales (incl. McNugget) now on par with McDonald’s iconic beef burgers at around $25 billion annually.

But what if we could reimagine the McNugget filling to be healthier and more nutritious while maintaining the cost efficiencies that make it so

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Today is Tomorrow: Autonomous Agents

In the last 18 months, the landscape of artificial intelligence and robotics has undergone a seismic shift, altering our collective perception of the potential and applicability of these technologies in our daily lives.

At the heart of this transformation was a pivotal moment: the launch of ChatGPT by OpenAI on November 30, 2022. This event propelled Large Language Models (LLMs) from the domain of tech aficionados to the forefront of mainstream consciousness, revealing a future where AI could blend seamlessly

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Embracing “Logical Imagination”: Charting a New Path in Innovative Thinking

My journey in climate tech investment has always revolved around pushing boundaries while remaining anchored in reality. To do anything less would be to undermine the urgency with which we need to act.

I’ve recently been delving into a novel approach that blends foresight processes with systems thinking in a concurrent manner, which I’ve termed “Logical Imagination“.

As I define it, Logical Imagination is the cognitive process of creatively visualizing future possibilities and innovations, firmly rooted in logical reasoning and

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Be a Mangrove: Rooting Your Climate Tech Venture in Systems Thinking

Mangroves are marvels of adaptation, resilience, and interconnectivity. Their intricate root systems not only support themselves but also the entire ecosystem around them. For climate tech ventures, embracing the ‘Be a Mangrove’ philosophy means nurturing revenue resilience, fostering distribution networks, and engaging in systems thinking for long-term sustainability. Let’s explore how to apply the mangrove analogy to climate tech ventures.

Revenue Resilience: Thriving in Ebb and Flow

Mangroves stand resilient, their roots steadfast in the fluctuating tides, drawing sustenance from

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Embracing Vulnerability: The Leadership Virtue of Seeking Support

In the realm of entrepreneurship and climate innovation, where uncertainty is a constant companion and the weight of responsibility often feels like a solitary burden, there’s an unspoken truth I’ve come to recognize:

Asking for help is not just a sign of strength; it is an act of service.

It’s a concept I firmly believe in and one I passionately encourage among the founders we support at Cool Climate Collective.

Why Seeking Help is a Service

When you,

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COP28 Dubai: Balancing Climate Aspirations with Grounded Realities

As Cool Climate Collective steps into the vibrant arena of COP28, we are here not just as observers but as active participants, bringing innovative climate solutions to a global platform. COP28, or the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, is a global summit that brings together world leaders, experts, activists, and businesses to tackle climate change.

This event is extraordinary, a testament to our collective ability to unite amidst diversity, aiming for

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Rethinking Legacy: The Ancestral Perspective

I recently attended the Dubai Future Forum 2023, dubbed as the Largest Gathering of Futurists, hosted in the Museum of the Future.

While there, I met Dr Karthick, he shared a profoundly simple yet poignant concept with me, which was “Thinking like ancestors”, it helped me further frame my perception of our responsibilities towards future generations. It underlines the importance of long-term thinking in sustainability and climate action. This perspective compels us to harmonize our immediate goals with the enduring

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Innovate for Climate Coalition & COP28

I recently shared that Cool Climate Collective is taking part in the Innovate for Climate Tech Coalition.

This collaboration of many great partners is not only awe-inspiring, but in my mind is a true embodiment of my own journey and our collective mission.

Reflecting on my path from UCSD, where I delved into international relations and explored macroeconomic/growth theories, to the entrepreneurial world, every step has been pivotal. My academic background laid a solid foundation for

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