If I was Big Oil: my CDR Playbook

As I’ve become even more aware of our limited carbon budget to remain within 1.5 (or realistically 2C) scenario. It’s clear CDR will have to play a role, even if it won’t scale fast enough to limit most of the short term consequences, longer term if we don’t have CDR in play we could be setting up a (mostly) uninhabitable planet for our ancestors.

So how do we move faster? Financially incentivize the largest players who could most

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Be a Mangrove: Rooting Your Climate Tech Venture in Systems Thinking

Mangroves are marvels of adaptation, resilience, and interconnectivity. Their intricate root systems not only support themselves but also the entire ecosystem around them. For climate tech ventures, embracing the ‘Be a Mangrove’ philosophy means nurturing revenue resilience, fostering distribution networks, and engaging in systems thinking for long-term sustainability. Let’s explore how to apply the mangrove analogy to climate tech ventures.

Revenue Resilience: Thriving in Ebb and Flow

Mangroves stand resilient, their roots steadfast in the fluctuating tides, drawing sustenance from

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Embracing Vulnerability: The Leadership Virtue of Seeking Support

In the realm of entrepreneurship and climate innovation, where uncertainty is a constant companion and the weight of responsibility often feels like a solitary burden, there’s an unspoken truth I’ve come to recognize:

Asking for help is not just a sign of strength; it is an act of service.

It’s a concept I firmly believe in and one I passionately encourage among the founders we support at Cool Climate Collective.

Why Seeking Help is a Service

When you,

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Innovate for Climate Coalition & COP28

I recently shared that Cool Climate Collective is taking part in the Innovate for Climate Tech Coalition.

This collaboration of many great partners is not only awe-inspiring, but in my mind is a true embodiment of my own journey and our collective mission.

Reflecting on my path from UCSD, where I delved into international relations and explored macroeconomic/growth theories, to the entrepreneurial world, every step has been pivotal. My academic background laid a solid foundation for

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The Mayor’s Luck (A Climate Tale)

Once, a town stricken by drought innovated an irrigation marvel, turning barren fields lush. “We’ve bested nature,” they declared, but their mayor, mindful of nature’s caprice, said, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.”

Soon, the rains came, not as a trickle but as a torrent, submerging hopes under merciless floods.
The town’s pride washed away, and the mayor mused, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.”

From the deluge emerged a stronger town, with fortified defenses against nature’s whims.
As others

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Unpacking the Layers of Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA) Through a Systems Lens


In the rapidly evolving landscape of climate tech and innovation, we’re often caught in the paradox of reconciling the promise of groundbreaking technologies with their real-world viability and impact. Enter Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA)—a tool that attempts to answer these crucial questions. However, a conventional TEA often falls short when it doesn’t consider the broader systems in which a technology operates. Let’s delve into the need for a more holistic, systems-based approach to TEA.

Our belief at Cool Climate

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The Universality of Weather Volatility: A New Paradigm

Gazing across the global landscape this September, a narrative as old as time presents itself anew. Our world has always known calamities, but today, it’s a tragedy repeated across latitudes and longitudes, from bustling metropolises to quiet countrysides.

There’s a phrase that’s been swirling in my mind, a new terminology for our epoch: Geo-Climate Equity. It recognizes that the atmosphere knows no distinction between emerging or developed nations. In the theatre of weather volatility, we are all equal actors.

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Promethean Scale thinking for Humanity

In our current era of exponential advances in AI, we are witnessing innovations on the cusp of a discovery that are Promethean in scale. These breakthroughs have the potential to transform our society’s fundamentals, including our economy, health, and material possibilities.

Just as Beethoven introduced a unique and distinctive musical scale called the “Prometheus scale” to push the boundaries of traditional musical structures, AI has the potential to unlock new ways to extract insights

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